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Taking Things For Granted

Funny, you usually do not think of what you appreciate in life until something happens.

What I mean is, when someone passes away you think about life, whether it be theirs or yours, when a baby is born, we think about having one or one you already have and the love you feel. At a wedding we think about getting married, at a family function you think that we do not do this often enough.
I look at my husband every day, we spend a lot of time together and have been together in business and marriage for 30 years, but when they wheeled him in for back surgery this morning I found myself really thinking about how much I “appreciate him.” It’s not that I don’t think about that every day, and I still enjoy his company, and smile every time I see him, it’s a little different. It is a deeper sense of appreciation. I know if you think about it it makes sense. The love is the same, but more, the little things you never seem to notice, you do.  Now that I am sitting here in the waiting room like a lab rat for “my turn” to speak with the surgeon, I felt the need to share this and say…… say I love you, thank you, and I appreciate you, more often than not.