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Things Going Your Way

How often to you feel things just are not “going my way?” Do you think about all the senarios of each thing and disect it and try to figure every one out? I do at times, although I always try to look at the “big picture” in everything thing I do. I look at the good, bad, and even play out different things in my head before I make a decision. I try to be over organized; something that often gets me into trouble since the world, family, friends, etc almost always do not plan and just go in the moment. Me, I hate that. I can always go with the flow, but if the opportunity presents itself to plan ahead and be prepared, why not go for it. Something I have learned in life is that you cannot make anyone do what you think they should do. Even though your way may be right, regardless of this people do not think outside of the box very often. For me, that means waiting around for an answer text, phone call etc. to know if everyone is on the same page. Maybe it’s a matter of too much on their plate, or maybe not enough, so they let everything fall by the wayside, but I do know that even though things do not always go my way, I do not want to change who I am and sink to that level. Being organized and such is a way of life for me. Makes things run smoother I would say. Thoughts????