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The Heat

There have been some ups and downs with the heat this summer. We recently experienced a record weekend and with that said, the elderly are not the only ones who we need to watch. Anyone with breathing problems and ill children need to stay inside. If there is something that needs to be done outside with an ill child, please remember to limit your time, stay hydrated and try to stay in the shade. If you have to skip something with that ill child, please do not feel bad and explain to that child  that you will make it up another day. I remember as a small child we went to some kind of county fair or Amish fair. I was very ill and remember being so very excited along with my brother and sister to be able to go to whatever this event was. Not long after arrival I was light-headed and woozy, needing a bathroom immediately since my health issues did not allow time for preparing for the toilets. By the time my mother dragged me to find one and then tried to hydrate me we were in the car heading home. I remember very little of the day except sitting in the car going and coming home. I assume that is because we did not stay. I recall a souvenir which is something my parents must have gotten to appease us but also remember both my siblings mad at me for ruining their day. My point is rethink what you are doing to accommodate everyone in the family. Better safe than sorry.

heat wave-thermometer