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My Motto In Life

What do we expect out of life? What do we want out of life? We are all here for a purpose and it is up to us to define that. I have multiple reasons I believe I have been placed on this earth and live by a certain motto. It is not something I made up or invented, it is not something you will be surprised to hear, but it is something I truly believe in and live by. My motto is giving, and what you give is what you will get in return. If you are ungrateful and nasty, that my friends is what you will receive. I expect nothing but give love, laughter, sincerity, and truly caring for others. I know that, because that is what I always always get back. Kindness is so easy to spread, much easier than cheating and lying. I lie my head down every night with only what my day gave me, therefore, I gave kindness and happiness so I rest easy at night. I admit there are days it does not always work but rest assure, it is 99.9% of my life. Give it a try and let us know what happens. quote