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Best thing I learned in Life

Although there are many, many things we all learn throughout life, I am trying to think of the one thing in life that is worthy, something so important that it could be given the label of “best thing I ever learned”. Many of you may agree with this and if so please share it and many of you may have something that they learned even more worthy than this.

The one thing I have learned in life is that my parents were right! Yep, everything they tried to teach, share, and instill into my brain as a kid and young adult was not only the truth, but they were right. For example, my mother would always be perfectly honest with me on what clothing complimented my figure and what did not. She always wanted, and kept us all dressed in “style,” but there were many times I “kind of hated her” for her honesty since I wanted to wear something that was just not right. I think back now as I watch my granddaughters, always dressed in fashion and my friends with daughters to those times that my mom would give me advice and let me know that even though it may be in style, it doesn’t necessarily look good on everyone. Moms will usually be honest beyond any friend on how we look. Think about it, it is a reflection of who they are and what they think people will think when we are dressed properly. It’s not to say that everyone’s mother does, this but my mother did. I instilled it in my son and see my stepdaughter instilling it in her children. I have learned throughout my life that my mother always had the best interest in everything I not only wore, but everything I did and said. Thanks mom and dad for instilling me with good judgment and turning me into you as I grow older. Sounds funny, but we are all products of our environment. Unfortunately, some good, some bad, but all in all, as parents do the best we can. a good friend's daughter