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New Experiences

IMG_1018All of us have new experiences whether it is early in life or later. Each one of us shares this in common and most of the time we hope that these new experiences are good ones. For the sake of remaining positive of which I always am, lets just keep on the positive side. Recently we got a chance to share fishing with our granddaughters. First time out was quite boring, although I did warn them. We did not last very long with the hook of one rod getting caught and breaking off in the water, we dwindled down to one rod and shared. After a bit we decided to call it a day but with all intentions of giving it another try. Well, our second time out the tides were slower and a bit higher, and not long after we began, we got a bite. One of the girls had a hook and knew exactly what to do. To our surprise there was a nice size catfish on the end of the hook all wriggly and alive. To make the story  not drag on too long, the faces of happiness took over, with a bit if of an ordeal we got the hook off, (counting some squeezing on our part), and back we went into the water. It was very very hot and after a while we decided to call it a day and swim. Both girls were happy and thrilled to have their first catch. It was such a nice experience and we plan on introducing them to things like this as often as we can. Until next time!