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Loving Yourself

Every day, I awake happy the moment I open my eyes. I smile almost all day and, as most of you who know me personally, I am never at a loss for words. I embrace life, love life, and try to make each day-hour-minute worthy of all I have to give to the world.

Each of us has obstacles to overcome, so every day may not be a happy one for everybody. Sometimes for weeks at a time. We all go through daily struggles and stress at home and at work that fill us with agony and defeat, but it is our job as individuals to conquer them. I told you that I am happy every day, but that does not necessarily mean that ‘life is perfect’ from top to bottom. Yes, I have sleepless nights, days that I am anxious about something I did, have done, or will be doing that I am not proud or happy about. But, I try to always have a way to make life and living most important.

I am here. I am healthy. I have family and wonderful friends who all love me and support everything I do. I have overcome an illness  some could never imagine, but I do not dislike life because of that. I thank my higher power for giving me all the love I can carry and enough to share in mu smile. Every time I am able to help someone, even in the simplest way, it brings me indescribable warmth and satisfaction.  How about you? Think about it and share something that makes you or someone else just plain….. smile.