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Advice Needed

Now I am looking for advice and needing to dig deep for the good in everything.

Recently, I went to see my surgeon, a follow up appointment from a recent stent in the hospital (again) with a bowel obstruction. I was brought in for the second time in 14 months, but after a week I was able to go home without surgery. I feel blessed about this but after about 20 years with no real serious problems from when I was younger, the final appointment has left me speechless and seeking some advice.

In no uncertain terms my doctor is unable to tell me or even give me a hint of when or if this obstruction will happen again. From so many past surgeries in my lifetime I have learned I grow scar tissue rapidly and am now facing the serious aftermath of its wrath. I am basically healthy, at times a picture of health, but at a moment’s notice this obstruction changes my life, threatens my life and can stay or leave in the same kind of moment’s notice. It has crippled me and there is no telling if and when it will happen again. “Live my life,” is what I was told to do. Hanging in the rafters of my mind is the thought that no matter where I am in the world, this could happen and I am stuck wherever this happens for an undetermined amount of time, hospitalized, with the threat of surgery.

Now for a positive person who always finds the positive in any and I mean any situation this is difficult to swallow. Yes, I am ok,  for now,  maybe or maybe not forever. I could be as anyone else in an accident at any time of course, but how do I go on with a clear and happy mindset? I am trying to get past this and hoping some of you can help me get back to who I am and who I want to be again.

Comment on this blog or on the facebook post. I’d love to hear some of your tips or thoughts on staying positive or on leading a “normal” life. I feel like I’ve been doing great up until now, but I need some new ideas!