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Finding the Right Medical Personnel

It is one thing to like your doctor, but it has to be a complete fit. The entire medical staff is truly just as important as the individual doctor. We all want to trust and like the people we go to for anything from a bump or bruise to major surgery and treatments. Recommendations from friends and other healthcare providers are the main way to find new doctors. You want to have a good feeling about the office and staff from the moment you walk through the door. You can read about them in advance to find out more, but the real truth lies in human kindness and professionalism. Whether the doctor is friendly, supportive, and knowledgeable about your visit is very important, as is simply liking the doctor’s bedside manner.  I do understand you may be a bit nervous on your first few visits, but your intuition will bring you a long way. Bring someone with you to listen and help so that you have another opinion, especially if the visit is for a treatment or diagnosis. Go with an open mind but follow your gut as well. I was and still am blessed with good doctors. I completely trust their opinions and suggestions. I hope you all have as good of luck as I have.