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Our First Storm

The weather is looking like it really might be winter this weekend where I live.

There  is a lookout for our first snow and it seems like the roads have been prepared at least in my area and that the salt trucks are ready and waiting. For the last few years the snow has been overwhelming with one storm followed the other all through the season. In preparation, we battened down the hatches, bought all the junk food we could eat as well as bread, milk and eggs. Seems funny when you think about it that we prepare to overeat when the weather is bad! Me, I like to cook and freeze. I prepare meals for future dinners and it passes the time on those days when all you can do is watch, stay warm and shovel.

Memories of childhood goes through my mind and how we would anxiously wait until we could bundle up and run out to play. How exciting it was to be “snowed in” for however long it took to dig us out. I think that the thoughts of all children are the same, with no worries in the world except if there will be school and when they can begin playing with their friends. My parents must have panicked if the snow was coming when I needed to be carted to the hospital, or if they had to visit me when I was already a patient. Driving is always difficult and dangerous but add that to the stress of having an ill child and I can only imagine their anxiety.

I am thinking of all those parents now who have to conquer the weather  with their sick child. Good luck, be careful and know that my thoughts are with you all.