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Exciting News on the Book

How can I describe the excitement I feel with the completion of this project coming to a close. My book is now being edited by Corey Blake one of my writing coaches and we hope to have a finished product in the next few months.

There will finally be something for me to share with all of you. Most of you who know me personally have some idea of my history, others will read and learn and hopefully share your experiences with friends. I hope to make a big impact with this book. I am hearing from old friends who I have not thought about in years, and they have managed to contact me and share personal memories from our past. Some of those memories are in this book, some are not. I am thrilled to be in touch with all of you and hope you keep writing to me either through this sight or my personal email. All I can say to all of you who remember our childhood, thank you for being my friend and I hope this book is enlightening and joyful to read as well as heartwarming. I hope I am able to bring back some forgotten memories for you all too. Keep your eyes peeled for more information.