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Another Hospital Stay

Yes, you read it correctly, another hospital stay. A few years ago, when I left the surgeons office after a week-long hospital stay, the doctor told me I pretty much have become a chronic case. I can get a bowel obstruction at any time, anywhere, and there is nothing I can do to change this […]

The Summer is Here… Finally

We were teased with little bits and pieces, then a month of almost all rain and if it did not rain it was cold and cloudy, but through it all we survived! Then what happens? Of course a heat wave. It came on with a vengeance but it still felt good. The sun is shining, […]

A New Friend

I received an email for a new author. I was private messaged on FB by someone on my author page asking if I could help answer a few questions by this new author, Shadel. Of course I said yes, any help we can give each other out there to all new authors is a blessing […]

Muhamad Ali

What an amazing life this man had! I remember as a child listening to him rant and rave about how wonderful he was! Then there were his rhymes- amazing! It all seemed so unbelievable to me that someone could be so confident in themselves and truly believed in all that he did. Ali was a […]

Spring Has Arrived

The approach of the spring season is upon us with blooming flowers, the grass becoming a rich green, and the hum of the hummingbirds. At my house, when I say the “hum”, I mean it. If you stand outside and just listen, there are so many hummingbirds you can hear them swooshing back and forth […]